Infusionsoft Backups Made Easy. ListLockr Makes Daily Subscriber Backups For Your Total Peace of Mind
If you delete Infusionsoft subscribers accidentally, or someone does it maliciously, it’s going to take 3-5 business days and cost you $150 or more to get them back from Infusionsoft backups.
Protect your subscribers and your income with ListLockr’s secure, automatic backups direct from Infusionsoft every day.

Why Backup Infusionsoft?
Infusionsoft takes 3-5 business days and charges you over $150 to recover lost data. ListLockr automatically backs up your Infusionsoft subscribers every day to protect you in case something ever goes wrong, for just pennies per 1,000 subscribers:
Accidental Deletes
It’s easy to delete subscribers by mistake – especially when trying to keep your email lists clean.
Malicious Attacks
Hackers and disgruntled employees can permanently wipe out your subscribers in the blink of an eye.
Account Closure
Poor list hygiene, automation glitches, policy infractions, complaints… you are always one email away from closure.
These mistakes are expensive and time-consuming to fix with Infusionsoft:

How Infusionsoft Backups
By ListLockr Work

Choose Your ListLockr Plan
Choose a plan that is big enough for your Infusionsoft subscriber count, and create your ListLockr account.
Link ListLockr To Infusionsoft
Connect your ListLockr account to Infusionsoft in just a couple of clicks, and your backups will start right away.

Enjoy Automatic Backups
ListLockr is 100% automated, so you don’t have to think about it or “do” anything. A backup will be made every day, and you’ll get a weekly summary email.
What Customers Say…
Protect Your Infusionsoft Subscribers Now
Peace of mind is just a few clicks away